Thursday 27 December 2007

Merry Christmas

Christmas started this year for the Silk family with a visit to St Luke’s church in Ramsgate to join in on their carol concert and enjoy a few mince pies.

Christmas eve I cooked a lamb keema curry and Nicole cook our turkey for the following day which turned out to be delicious. The mini Silks were beside themselves with excitement getting there last minute Santa orders in and sprinkling Reindeer food on the lawn. They left a drop of Port and a mince Pie for Santa and a nice big carrot for the Reindeer. Nicole and I spent the rest of the evening watching Hogfather on the TV.

Our Christmas day morning began at 04.00 with Jed at the end of our bed not quite sure why and a bit miffed that there was an enormous sack on the end of his bed. I skirted the questions and got him off to sleep in our bed for a few hours more.

Georgia announced that Santa Claus had been at around 06.30 and we all set about opening our Presents. Nicole received a kettle from Santa in the spirit of the 1950’s house wife tradition and I got a bottle of Prada fragrance. As always on Christmas morning our house looked as if a bomb had blown up in Hamleys stock room. However, we all had a fantastic day together with a splendid turkey and all the trimmings dinner cooked by Nicole and lots of Adnams bitter, Nicole has found her new favourite pudding from Marks and Spencer’s (The chocolate one on the advert) and I indulged in my new fascination with Brussels sprouts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My little one's enjoied doing the "christmas thang" three times (with us and then each set of parents). I feel rather fat now...