Friday 18 January 2008

Toucan Crossing

Whilst taking part in the Thanet Yomp 2007 I was disappointed to see on that the Pedestrian and Cycle crossing signs otherwise known as Toucan Crossings had no reference to the Birds at all.

I would therefore like to suggest that Thanet council scrap the current road signs and replace them with a sign designed around the image of the Bird.
My suggestions are as follows:

Anyway the Thanet Yomp 2008 is to take place on the 13th September and if anyone would like to take part in the 30 mile sponsored walk around Thanet please email me.

Alternatively sponsorship details will be published soon.

Tuesday 8 January 2008

Great Scott!

I recently visited The Ramsgate Brewery run by Mr Eddie Gadd to purchase some of his splendid Ales, Eddie has a selection of ales on draft that you can take away with you in plastic containers to enjoy at home at a very reasonable £6.00 for 4 pints.

I could choose from the following ales:

Seasider – Bitter-sweet with slight citrus and orange notes

Storm Warning – My personal favourite
Great Scott – Bitter-sweet & Faintly Smoky

I decided to try Great Scott and found it to be excellent.
It has a lovely smoky finish with the peaty flavours coming through.
Eddie says he tried to produce the ale with a faint reminiscence of top single malt piercing through every now and then and I think he has achieved it.

Also on sale are some fantastic bottled beers from Europe and a few from the Dark Star Brewery – Sussex including the extremely popular Espresso Stout.
So get yourself down to the Gadds Beer shop and support our local brewer.