Tuesday 8 January 2008

Great Scott!

I recently visited The Ramsgate Brewery run by Mr Eddie Gadd to purchase some of his splendid Ales, Eddie has a selection of ales on draft that you can take away with you in plastic containers to enjoy at home at a very reasonable £6.00 for 4 pints.

I could choose from the following ales:

Seasider – Bitter-sweet with slight citrus and orange notes

Storm Warning – My personal favourite
Great Scott – Bitter-sweet & Faintly Smoky

I decided to try Great Scott and found it to be excellent.
It has a lovely smoky finish with the peaty flavours coming through.
Eddie says he tried to produce the ale with a faint reminiscence of top single malt piercing through every now and then and I think he has achieved it.

Also on sale are some fantastic bottled beers from Europe and a few from the Dark Star Brewery – Sussex including the extremely popular Espresso Stout.
So get yourself down to the Gadds Beer shop and support our local brewer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For goodness sake man post the address it sounds fantastic.