Thursday 4 October 2007

Partition Magic

My DIY skills are being pushed to its limits as we have decided, finally to start doing up the Silk residence.

First on the list is creating a new 2nd floor bedroom by building a stud partition wall.
I ripped all the wood panelling from the wall that was held on by half of Sheffield's steel quota for the 80's and exposing much to my disgust that the original Victorian fireplace has been removed. Doh!

On Saturday morning I turned up at Jewson's to collect the timber and plaster board and with a lot of scratching of heads and a few vacant looks form the staff they finally deciphered the measurements I had jotted down.

Lifting the plaster board into the van I realised for the first time the inadequacies of something to long for its hole! As the plaster board hung out the back about a meter, so with some much appreciated help from Mr Simpson we finally pulled out of Jewson's yard on a slow convoy much to the annoyance of the boy racers that normally tear up and down St Lukes Avenue...

That afternoon after a full round of golf, Poppa turned up with his hammer and box of tricks.
A few hours later the wall up, with me totally confused and an astonishing amount of blood on the wall from a nasty cut on his finger.

This weekend Nicole and I will be mainly clearing the room in readiness for plastering/plaster boarding.


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