I have come to the conclusion that life is just one big long list of things you start and eventually give up because some new scientists has discovered that it is bad for you. Chocolate, Smoking, Red meat, being Fat, Masturbation! You get the drift.
Anyway, I made my first ever new years resolution this year, that I would stop smoking. Those that have known me a while will suggest that "I'm not a real smoker anyway" because I don't smoke unless I have a beer. Now, this is true but it just to cold to go outside all the time and popping out every half hour just gives people a chance to talk about you in your absence, like "He should really give up Smoking!". It's also extremely expensive and apparently very very bad for you.
So, its been ten days and I haven't had a smoke yet, although I haven't had a beer either. However, I might pop down the pub later tonight with Captain dog, so lets see if I have the will power to overcome my smoking by association habit.
On a lighter note (Pun intended) It's Jed's 4th birthday party today, and we are having a house full of his gang from nursery, no girls allowed of course. We are laying on the expected Cake and Jelly and plenty of 4 year old friendly party games and prizes, after which I will probably require some of Jamaica's finest to combat the stress of it all!
So to Smoking its good bye old friend, can't say I will be missing you and to gossiping with all the other non smokers, where do I sign up?
Smoke free dubsy.
Smoke free dubsy.