The time has finally come, my moobs and belly have finally broken the camel’s back and Al Gore has scared the crap out of me with his "
An Inconvenient Truth" carbon-neutral documentary, so I have decided to do something about it.
I have been a member or our local JJB Gym for some time now. However, as predicted by many of my close friends visits have dwindled off somewhat.
So as the sun has started to shine through what is left of our Ozone layer, I have decided to take some advice from my fellow Yomper SAS Steve. He suggested whilst passing my work place some 10 miles into the Thanet Yomp 2007, that if I cycled in every day I would be as “Fit as a fiddle”.
Well Steve! Yesterday I started the "Kaiser Keith, go green, environmental, world saving commute to work on a bike, fitness drive" and totally enjoyed it. It was quite windy and I must admit an old lady of about 86 years of age flew passed me whistling an old world war II tune, as I was gasping for breath up a long hill.
But it’s a start, so with Steve’s advice ringing in my ears, the help of men’s health motivational book “
Banish your belly”, the lone of captain dog’s bike and a f**king great big climate crisis to solve, I hope to continue on, rain or shine.
Feel the Burn...
And the sore Arse Cheeks...