I have designed my garden in the style of a meadow, unfortunately this in cat'an'ese seems to mean Shit here!
Georgia's shoes tend to be magnets for cat poop, therefore I have had enough of last minute shoe cleaning before the school run or any other excursion the family might be undertaking.
Also they like to do their business in my herb garden and I,m a bit tired of trying to explain "that hidden ingredient" in my special KK Pasta Sauce at dinner parties!
My investigations have found the following garden defences, my favourite being the sonic gun hours of fun could be had.
- Tin of Salmon with crumpled up cork mixed in. "Apparently it messes up their guts and kills them, a bit extreme, I think!" Plus Rolf Harris won't be to impressed.
- Tiger Poo, Errrm even if I could get hold of it. I'm damn sure the Odour will be a little off putting at this summers BBQ's.
- Jays Liquid. Not too Organic is it.
- Mega sonic cat repeller gun! COME ON... King Keith Big cat safari time...