Clio our little Renault gave up and after a long and loyal service. The straw that broke Clio’s back was her Catalytic converter fell off and needed to be replaced. We decided it wasn’t worth the cost and she took her final drive to the crusher where we all said our teary goodbyes.
Then our washing machine blew up which cost us £150 to fix via taking out a maintenance cover for it.
Next on the list was our brand new boiler blew a circuit board and needed to be replaced no charge but dam inconvenient and quit chilly.
Whist waiting for our new boiler to be fixed we decided to take ourselves to my mother’s house and enjoy a nice Sunday roast and baths. However, on the way the drive belt snapped and in the end cost £1500 to be replaced.
We thought this would be the last of our bad luck, but oh no.
The tumble dryer’s thermostat packed in and needed to be replaced...
Could there be any more I hear you ask! well sir, yes indeed there is...
Our oven packed up...
Can you believe it?
Also we have been through three, count them three, Kettles since Christmas.
In the bathroom our lovely original Victorian basin cold tap snapped off in my hand.
Finally whilst driving to Brighton on a job that I originally booked as holiday but agreed to work instead, West Sussex’s finest took a lovely photo of me doing 88mph on a 70mph road, and only charged me £60 and three points on my licence, things must be looking up then?
Totally my fault I know, and hold my hands up to my idiocy.
Anyway I had an epiphany the other day that I was going to win the lottery so fingers crossed. You got to be in it to win it!
Ehrm! Yeah well I’m in it all right...