Thursday 15 May 2008

Holy Smoked

Impulse buying is by far the best way of purchasing items.
Whilst pricing up a new shed at Homebase to replace the one I had demolished.
I come across a Ranch Charcoal Smoker, need I say more it was in the trolley in an flash.

Nicole purchased some pork sausages and chicken for us to test out the new smoker. After a very long wait and lots of nervous anticipation we dished up the smoked meat.

WOW!!! Forget your standard BBQ’s this stuff is fantastic. Next on the menu are some pork ribs and Mr Eddie Gadd has shown an interest in smoking some hops for a brewing experiment.

I will keep you posted on that but in the mean time, I recommend a pint of Gadds’ Dark Mild Ale with some smoked sausage.

Real Gone Shed

It must be the sun that brings the DIY demon in me because no sooner had I build the new play house I broke out the sledge hammer and demolished the shed to make a nice sun patio at the end of the garden. Nicole lent a hand and we both had a smashing time.

Fnar Fnar!

Glorious Erection !

Recently I helped my friends John and Emma move house and was given in return their unwanted play house for the kids.

In the pouring rain we dismantaled the house and packed it up and relocated it in pieces to my garden in Ramsgate.

Fast forward a few weeks and the sun has come out. not wasting any time I picked up my hammer and a big bag of nails and erected the new house with a brand new roof supplied from Wicks.

Needlees to say Georgia and Jed love their new house playing in it every chance they get.

So cheers John and Emma much appriciated and for everyone else please marvel at my glorious erection!
